Cookie Policy

Our Cookies Policy:
We use cookies for various purposes on our website and in our e-mail messages in order to provide our services effectively and improve your consumer experience. We are also developing a way for our trusted partners to share their experiences and improve their customer experience on their Web sites. This policy explains the categories of cookies we use (and those used by our partners), for what purpose these cookies are used, and how you can change your preferences.

What are 'Cookies'?
Cookies are small pieces of information stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. Each time you visit our website again, your Web browser sends us cookies so that we can better match your interests and preferences or log in to take advantage of our services, allowing us to customize your user experience.

What are the cookies we use?

The cookies we use allow us to identify every consumer who revisits our site, so you don't have to enter the same information more than once. Cookies also help us understand the density pattern of visitors to our website so that we can make usability more practical.

Some types of cookies used on our website are:

  • Essential Cookies
    Basic cookies can be used to enable you to receive the services you request from our website. Without these cookies, we cannot provide you with the services you have requested.
    For example, these cookies can be used for the following purposes:
    - To ensure that you can access the secure areas of our website without having to log in to the service continuously,
    - Remembering previous actions (such as filling in online forms) when you navigate to a previous page in the same session.
  • Performance cookies modules

  • Performance cookies can be used to gather information about how our website, postings and e-mail messages are used, and to notify us when an error occurs. These cookies; It can be used to gather highly detailed technical information, such as the most recently visited Page, the number of pages visited, whether e-mail messages were opened, which parts of our website or e-mail were clicked, and the time elapsed between clicks. Although this information can be associated with details such as your IP address, domain or browser information, it is analyzed only by combining it with other users' information, without directly identifying you.

    For example, these cookies may be used on our Website for the following purposes:
    - Analyzing and improving the performance and design of our website, advertisements and e-mail messages,
    - To calculate the number of returns for our ads in order to improve our advertising efficiency,
    - To evaluate the errors that occur on our website in order to improve our service and deal with the complaints received.

  • Redirect cookies
    We may access redirect cookies sent to your device by our partners' Web sites. These cookies are used to identify each visitor referred to our website by our business partners and to understand whether these visitors have benefited from any of our Company's products or services. This information may be shared with our business partners as long as they are anonymous and used in a way that prevents your identity from being revealed directly. We use this information to fulfill our contractual obligations to our business partners and to assist them in improving the effectiveness of our Web sites.
  • Functional cookies
    We may use non-mandatory functional cookies to enable various helpful features on our website.
    For example, these cookies may be used on our Website for the following purposes:
    - To remember your preferences such as the country / language you selected during your last visit to our website, your interests and the presentation of our website (layout of the web pages, font size, colors, etc.) so that you do not need to re-enter this information each time,
    - Remembering these answers so that you do not want to participate in the customer satisfaction survey, and you do not have to answer the questions asked by our website again,
    - To determine whether a service such as live online help has been provided to you before,
    - Providing information to allow an optional service to run, such as watching online videos or commenting on the blog,
    - Target audience or advertising cookies.
  • Targeted or advertising cookies
    It can be used on our website to serve ads on topics closest to your interests. These cookies can collect very detailed information about your browsing habits (such as which products and services you have clicked) while you are on our website. In addition, these cookies can be used to recognize you when you revisit our website and / or one of our advertising partners' network websites.
    For example, these cookies can be used to collect information about our Company's products and services that you browse or view on our Website, so that:
    - They may offer you advertisements on the Web sites for the products and services of our Company you are viewing,
    - You can customize the e-mail and other direct marketing messages you receive,
    - Our advertising partners can enable you to access advertisements on other websites in their own advertising networks for the products and services of our Company you are viewing,
    - In addition to being able to measure the effectiveness of an ad campaign, we can limit the number of times you view the same ad,
    - Our company and / or our advertising partners may store and access these cookies.
  • Third party cookies 

While using our website, some cookies that are not controlled by our Company may be stored on your computer. This happens when the Page you are visiting contains content from a third-party website and causes cookies from such third-party services to be saved on your computer. However, no personal information is stored in these cookies unless you are logged into your account.
For example, the sources of these cookies may be the following applications:
- YouTube, Instagram or Facebook,
- reliable operators,
- Paid Media organizations,
- Marketing studies of our company
Our company does not control the storage of such cookies or access to such cookies. You should review the privacy and cookies policies of these services to find out how these third parties use cookies.

Changing your cookies settings

Most browsers allow you to delete cookies from your computer's hard drive, block acceptance of cookies or receive a warning before a cookie is stored.

What happens if cookies are disabled?

If you block or delete cookies, we may not be able to restore your preference or customization settings, and our ability to customize your online use is limited.